Contact Us

Please select the age group you are interested in contacting us about.

If you are unsure or have a general enquiry please select General Enquiries

Players born between 1/9/2011 – 31/8/2013  (2023/24 School years 7 & 6)

Players born between 1/9/2009 – 31/8/2011  (2023/24 School years 9 & 8)

Players born between 1/9/2007 – 31/8/2009 (2023/24 School years 11 & 10)

Players born between 1/9/2005 – 31/8/2007 (2023/24 School years 13 & 12)

Want to Join The Club?

If you are interested in playing basketball in the Mitcham area following the links to the contact page and send us a message, or email us at with any questions you have.